May 10, 2010
Free Firearm Safety, Conservation Videos for Educators
The National Shooting Sports Foundation has launched an online campaign offering free educational videos about firearm safety and wildlife conservation to teachers and school administrators across the country. Just several days into the campaign, NSSF is pleased to report that more than 4,500 DVDs have been ordered by educators, reflecting their strong interest in teaching students about these important subjects.
“We believe teachers and school administrators should teach students how to correctly respond if they encounter an unattended firearm," said NSSF President Steve Sanetti. "Students who understand what to do in such situations can potentially save lives."
About conservation, Sanetti said, "We have a generation of children who spend less time outdoors and who see more wildlife on television than in the wild. It’s important that students today understand how once-endangered species such as white-tailed deer and wild turkey have been brought back to abundance through efforts funded by hunters.”
Order the firearm safety DVD and conservation DVD.
Read the complete NSSF news release.
Categories: Conservation, Education, Safety, Top Stories