February 22, 2012
Cooking With the ‘Girl Hunter’

NSSF has filmed several game-cooking videos with chef, author, blogger and hunter Georgia Pellegrini, whose book “Girl Hunter” has been garnering considerable attention.
Georgia’s personal story has proven to be irresistible to both outdoor and mainstream media, particularly the latter where she has articulately discussed her reasons for taking up hunting and how hunting provides her with local, organic and sustainable foods to cook. The author is a woman who left her Wall Street job to become a classically trained chef and then had a food-source awakening when she came face to face with a farm-raised turkey she had to dispatch. This experience led her to hunting. “Girl Hunter” is a chronicle of her time spent afield and in the kitchen.
Georgia has been on the cover of Shooting Sportsman magazine, on the website of Outdoor Life, in the pages of The Wall Street Journal and on television with NBC’s Today Show. Soon she will be in NSSF’s Pull The Trigger newsletter, where, in the video tips that we filmed, Georgia will discuss techniques for preparing tender, juicy game; cooking tough cuts of meat; and creating fundamental sauces to make any game delicious.
Pull The Trigger, which reaches nearly 900,000 readers each month, is free and provides tips on target shooting, hunting, gun maintenance and other shooting-related topics. The videos featuring Georgia also will be available on NSSF’s You Tube channel at www.youtube.com/thenssf.
“Girl Hunter” is a fine read. The author writes about her hunts for wild turkey, quail, venison, wild boar, elk, javelina and squirrel. She ends each chapter with a healthy portion of recipes, a few of which may stretch the boundaries of even the most adventurous hunter-cooks. Javelina chili, anyone?
We enjoyed working with Georgia (and sampling some of her recipes). We thank her for sharing her expertise with us and with you.
Categories: Conservation, Hunting, Top Stories