January 31, 2017
Congressman Ryan Zinke Needs Your Support to Become Secretary of the Interior
Congressman Ryan Zinke’s nomination for Secretary of the Interior was approved by the U.S. Senate’s Energy and Natural Resources Committee by a vote of 16-6. Zinke said he was an “unapologetic admirer of Teddy Roosevelt,” in his confirmation hearing. Zinke is a lifelong hunter and outdoorsman. He’s got a last-minute traditional ammunition ban from the previous administration’s U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service director waiting for action. On the last full day in office, Director Dan Ashe published Director’s Order 219, banning all traditional ammunition on U.S. federal lands in just five years. Zinke told the committee in his hearing that far-reaching decision such as these need to be made in consultation with state and local authorities, not edicts from Washington D.C. NSSF support for Zinke was entered into the Congressional record, but now he needs the vote of the majority of the Senate. Contact your Senator today to vote yes on Zinke.
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