June 19, 2012
Call Your U.S. Representative Today; Urge Them to Vote Yes on the Conservation & Economic Growth Act – HR 2578
Legislative Alert
Call 202-224-3121 or Send an Email
The Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act (H.R. 3065), an NSSF legislative priority, could come to the House floor TODAY for a vote. The Target Practice and Markmanship Training Support Act is Title XII of the Conservation and Economic Growth Act (H.R. 2578) which is expected to be voted on today by the U.S. House of Representatives. NSSF urges all firearms owners, target shooters and hunters to contact their Member of Congress to encourage them to VOTE YES on HR 2578.
Sponsored by Rep. Heath Schuler (D-N.C.), the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act will ensure that shooters and hunters have high-quality public facilities at which to participate in the recreational shooting sports, including patterning their rifles and shotguns for the hunting season, and for others to be introduced to our sports and to learn about firearms safety in a safe environment.
The Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Support Act simply amends the Pittman-Robertson Act to provide state game and fish agencies with more flexibility and discretion to be able to utilize Pittman-Robertson (Wildlife Restoration Trust Fund) funds for the creation, enhancement and maintenance of public shooting ranges. The bill is badly needed to respond to a significant decline in recent years of opportunities for recreational and competitive shooting on public lands.
Call the Capitol Switchboard today at 202-224-3121 and urge your U.S. Representative to vote YES on H.R. 2578, which includes the Target Practice and Marksmanship Training Act. To find who your representative is or to email a letter of support, go to the NSSF Cap Wiz site.
Please act today!
Visit NSSF’s Government Relations site at nssf.org/GovRel.
Categories: Government Relations, Top Stories