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March 7, 2013

And Sometimes the Washington Post Gets It Right . . .

On the heels of the Washington Post story involving this organization that used a quote from a previous interview out of context, we feel a certain obligation to point out that there are those moments when the Post gets it right. One such moment occurred when the Post ran a little-noticed story entitled Gun deaths, violent crime are down overall in the District and U.S. but reasons are elusive.”

The story included this observation (with emphasis ours):

“The drop in deaths from firearms and in slayings overall — over the past two decades, homicide declined by 80 percent in the District and overall crime fell by 75 percent in New York City — has come even as the economy has tanked, the number of guns owned by Americans has soared and the number of young people in the prime crime demographic has peaked.”

Hmmm. Now there’s a real mystery . . . more guns, less crime. I feel certain I’ve heard that somewhere before.

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